About Us
We set the benchmark for energy and environmental coverage.

Mission Statement
E&E News strives to provide original, compelling, and non-partisan journalism on energy and environmental issues that keep professionals informed and a step ahead.
Our Newsroom
Dedicated Talent
With more than 60 reporters and editors who have decades of experience reporting on key events and projects with global consequences for energy and the environment, E&E News offers an in-depth look at issues in Washington D.C., across the nation, and around the world.
Digestible and Synthesized Information
We offer in-depth coverage that includes crucial contextual information and on-the-ground impact, presented in an easily comprehendible format. Through our platform, subscribers have access to decades of stories and monthly briefings with E&E News reporters to examine the interconnections of various topics and rapidly gain knowledge on environment and energy-related subjects.
Breadth of Coverage Topics
We pride ourselves with the numerous of energy and environmental impacted topics we cover in depth, of which include:
- Air & Water Pollution
- Climate Policy & Politics
- Congress & Federal Agencies
- Corporate Sustainability
- Cybersecurity
- Electric Utilities
- Oil, Natural Gas, Coal, Nuclear & Renewables
- Public Lands & Endangered Species
- Regulations & Legal Actions
- Science & Technology Innovation
- State Legislation & Issues
- Transportation & Infrastructure
Award-Winning Journalism
Our journalists have been recognized with multiple accolades for their unwavering commitment to their profession.
- Honorable Mention from the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW) for David Ferris’ feature on electric
- Honorable Mention from North American Agricultural Journalists
(NAAJ) for Marc Heller’s farm reporting.
- First place for Outstanding Beat Reporting Award from Society of
Professional Journalists (SPJ) Dateline Awards, for Hannah Northey and Kevin Bogardus’ reporting on wetlands.
- Excellence in Journalism Award from Society of Professional
Journalists (SPJ) Detroit Chapter for Hannah Northey’s coverage of climate change and flooding in Detroit.
- Third Place for Outstanding Beat Reporting from Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) for Hannah Northey and Kevin Bogardus’ reporting on wetlands.
- Finalist for Beat Reporting Award from Society of Professional
Journalists (SPJ) Dateline Awards, for Ariel Wittenberg and E.A Crunden’s reporting on PFAS.